Profile of Rob Van Dam
Rob Szatkowski was born on December 18, 1970 in Battle Creek, MI. He was trained by the Sheik and made his pro debut in 1990. He is currently married to Sonja. She was seen on TV atOne Night Stand celebrating her husband's WWE title victory. In addition to wrestling, RVD holds a power lifting record for the Van Dam lift and owns his own comic book store. He has also appeared in several movies and television shows.
Start of his Wrestling Career:
Rob Van Dam was first seen by a national audience as a teenager kissing the feet of the"Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase. When he got into the business, he was given the name Rob Van Dam by a local promoter due to his resemblance to and style that was similar to Jean Claude Van Dam. He briefly wrestled as Robbie V in WCW from late 1992 to early 1993.
Rob Van Dam returned to the national stage in 1996 when he joined ECW. He quickly found himself in a feud with Sabu, the nephew of his trainer the Sheik. The men had several classic matches over respect. Once they gained each others respect, they formed an unstoppable tag team combination. In 1997, RVD started to show up on Monday Night RAW as part of the Jerry Lawler vs ECW angle. He then started to call himself Mr. Monday Night and later was known as Mr. PPV due to his undefeated PPV record.
The Whole F'n Show:
In 1998, Rob Van Dam won the ECW TV title and held the belt for 23 months before being stripped of the title due to an injury. When he came back from the leg injury, he got into a classic feud with Jerry Lynn. In 2000, he debuted the Van Terminator, a new wrestling move that saw him fly from one corner of the ring to another, in a match against Scotty Anton.
The Alliance:
When ECW closed in 2001, Rob Van Dam showed up in the WWE as part of the invasion angle. While the angle is generally considered one of the biggest flops in WWE history, the one good thing that came out of it was the fans reactions to RVD. His matches against Jeff Hardy stole the show.
Intercontinental, European, Hardcore, and Tag Team Champion:
Rob Van Dam became a top contender for the Intercontinental title and has won it on several occasions from men like Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, and Chris Jericho. As champion, he unified the belt with both the European and Hardcore titles. He has won tag team gold with Booker T, Kane, and Rey Mysterio.

WWEWWE Championship
6/11/06 ECW One Night Stand - beat John CenaIntercontinental Championship
3/17/2002 WrestleMania X8 - beat William Regal
5/27/2002 - beat Eddie Guerrero
8/25/2002 SummerSlam - beat Chris Benoit
9/29/2003 - beat Christian in a ladder match
10/27/2003 - beat Chris Jericho in a cage match
4/30/2006 Backlash - beat Shelton BenjaminEuropean Championship
7/22/02 - beat Jeff Hardy in a ladder match to unify the European and I-C TitlesHardcore Title
7/22/2001 Invasion - beat Jeff Hardy
8/19/2001 SummerSlam - beat Jeff Hardy in a ladder match
9/10/2001 - beat Kurt Angle
8/26/2002 - beat Tommy Dreamer to unify Hardcore and I-C TitlesWorld Tag Team Championship
3/31/2003 - w/Kane beat champs Lance Storm & Chief Morley and The Dudley Boyz
2/16/2004 - w/Booker T beat Ric Flair & BatistaWWE Tag Team Championship
12/9/2004 - w/Rey Mysterio beat Kenzo Suzuki & Rene Dupree
Sources: PWI Almanac,,,, & Rise and Fall of ECW by Thom Loverro
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